Biomedical waste is any waste, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or in research activities or in the production or testing of biological products. Biomedical waste can be categorized into non-hazardous and bio-hazardous. Approximately 75-90% of the biomedical waste are non hazardous and as harmless as any other municipal waste. The remaining 10-25% is hazardous and can be injurious to humans or animals and deleterious to environment. Inadequate and inappropriate knowledge of handling of healthcare waste may have serious health consequences and a significant impact on the environment as well. Hospitals/health care services inevitably create waste that may itself be hazardous to health. The waste produced in the course of health care activities carries a higher potential for injury, infection and pollution due to open burning, than any other type of waste.
Faculty :
1. Dr. Mongiam Meghachandra Singh Director professor, Head of PSM department
2. Dr. Naresh Kumar Professor, Head of Pulmonary medicine